Greensborough Secondary College recognizes the importance of effective communication skills as the basis for success in learning and as a way of enabling students to achieve their maximum potential. The aim of the literacy program in this college is to provide support for students experiencing difficulties coping with the literacy demands of secondary schooling, and to improve the literacy levels of all students in order that they can participate fully and successfully in the range of learning experiences available to them.
Provide ongoing support for students with significant difficulties via the “Literacy Extension Program” and individual tuition for targeted Year 7 students for three periods per week. Provide individual tuition for targeted students in years 8, 9 and 10 for a minimum of one period per week in the Learning Center.
Heighten staff awareness of the Literacy needs of all students and of how they can be addressed across all Key Learning Areas.
Develop teacher skills and expertise to support students’ individual learning needs in the mainstream class-room.
Implement classroom strategies and programs to address the needs of students in the mainstream class-room.
Identify students experiencing difficulty with the Literacy demands of Secondary School education and provide support to class-room teachers to modify mainstream programs for those students.
Provide a three period withdrawal program in Years 7 and 8 for students experiencing difficulties coping with the Literacy demands of Secondary Schooling.
Provide literacy support to students in years 9 -12 on demand.
Collaborate with teachers of VCAL and VET programs to support the Literacy needs of students in those programs.
Develop and maintain the resources in the Literacy Learning Center.
Develop and maintain data banks on student’s Literacy achievement in Years 7-10, in order to track student Literacy skill development and address student needs.
Find ways of extending students with special talents in Literacy and provide programs that will enable them to pursue their special abilities.
Promote the enjoyment of reading and writing for pleasure and learning.
Incorporate Learning Technology (ITC) into the literacy program to foster literacy skill development.
Provide budget to support program needs.
Provide regular meeting of the Literacy Team according to the College meeting schedule to plan, review and manage program.